Food Science and Technology

The Department of Food Science & Technology was established in the year 1994 to cater the need of society & Food Industry by providing the specialized professionals. Here at DAV College, the Department has a Team of highly qualified committed & dedicated faculty & technicians with the modern and well equipped laboratories and equipments.

Depending on their area of specialization, students may develop ways to process, preserve, package, and/or store food according to industry and government specifications and regulations.

Department of Food Science & Technology


  • Shri Bhartendu Singla, M.Sc. (Hons.) (Microbiology), Head
  • Mrs. Anu Gupta, M.Sc. (Food Sc. & Tech.)
  • Shri Pankaj Gupta, M.Sc. (Food Sc. & Tech.) Gold Medalist


B.F.S.T. (Hons)

Bachelors in Food Science & Technology

“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” — George Bernard Shaw

Distinctions of the Department

  • Qualified, committed and dedicated faculty & technicians.
  • Modern and well equipped laboratories.
  • Ultra-Modern equipments like Spectrophotometer, Orbital Shaking Incubator, Laminar Air Flow, Tray Drier Distillation Plant, Cooling Centrifuge, Hydrogenation apparatus, Lyophilizer and many more.
  • Emphasis on practical knowledge along with theoretical.
  • Industrial visits, Guest Lectures, Conferences, Seminars, Paper Presentations and Industrial Trainings are organised to provide opportunity to the student to interact with exports.
  • Good record of Placement in Food Processing Industries, analyst in Government R & D Labs, Food Inspection Organizations, Hotels & Restaurants, Hospitals and Food Safety Audit organizations.

Glorious Results

Session 2017-18








Session 2013-14

Class No. of students Name of student Position (in University)
BFST – 1II 03 Palni Kundra First
Ramandeep Kaur Second
Navreet Kaur Third
BFST – 1V 03 Navjot Kaur First
Navneet Kaur Second
Amanpreet Kaur Third

Seminars & Conferences organized

  • FST Dept. organised a DBT  sponsored international seminar on Recent trends in food safety in Sept,23 in Biotech Seminar Hall.  Resource person was our old Alumnus, Mr Paramvir, Chairman of Regal group and a renowned food Safety Expert from UK. Mr. Paramvir apprised students of latest developments in the field of food safety, Indian and global food safety standards like TACCP, VACCP, FSMS 22000,FSMA,GFSI & BRC. He announced free Food Safety training programme for Dept’s students and going to sign a MOU with college. He constituted a award of Rs 50,000 for students of Dept who will be doing the Best research Project. He told he will do efforts for collaboration of Dept. with some Universities in UK for the industrial training and academic exchange programme.Students showed a keen interest in the seminar and asked too many questions regarding food safety & their career.
  • An international webinar on Career Opportunities in Food Processing industry and Safety issues was organized by Food Sci. & Tech Dept. on 9/03/23.Distinguished Speaker and old alumnus of Dept. Ms. Amanpreet Kaur Brar, Vice President, Valley Fine Foods, California, USA educated the students about the opportunities in Food processing sector in India & abroad and also throw light on various Food Safety issues. She told number of jobs are more in the Food processing sector than the students graduating from various institutions.
  • AFST society of the department organized ‘Food Craft Mela’ on 20/10/2022 to motivate the students for the development of innovative food products and craft items made from food waste.
  • “Food quiz and food tambola” was held on 25/9/2022.
  • The department organized visit to “Markfed canneries” Jalandhar on 26/9/22.
  • An international webinar on “Career options in Food Processing Industry and Safety Trends” was organized for the students on 9/3/2023.
  • An industrial tour to “Satyam Agro Company” Jalandhar was arranged for the students on 6/3/2023 to provide a knowledge regarding parboiling and milling of paddy.
  • An educational  tour  to “ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute”, Jalandhar was organized on 6/3/2023 to enrich the  students regarding preparation of various gluten free products from potatoes .
  • An interactive session and exhibition on “Green packaging materials” displaying latest trends in the food packaging was done on 14/3/ 2023.
  • A practical workshop on “Baking and millet’s food products” was organized on 21/3/2023 in cooperation with Praveen Bakery, Jalandhar. Various millets based food products were prepared and displayed by the students of the department.
  • Food Technology Department, DAV College, Jalandhar organized a seminar on “Food Safety” on 30/07/2013 in college auditorium. Mr. Parmvir S. Deol, Managing director of Regal Technical & Training Solutions Ltd. of U.K was the eminent speaker.
  • Food Technology Department, DAV College, Jalandhar has organized a DBT sponsored extension lecture on 29/08/2013 at “Healthy uses of oils”. Dr. Sanjeev Vyas from AP Organics Pvt. Ltd., Dhuri was the guest speaker.
  • A DBT sponsored lecture was delivered on “Food for better Health” by Prof Narpinder singh , Prof. Deptt. Of Food Sci & Tech, GNDU Amritsar on 10th September 2012.  The seminar was attended by 79 students & 13 faculty members.
  • Food Science & Tech Deptt organized DBT sponsored National Seminar on “Newer trends in Food Processing & Technology” on 22nd February 2013. Prof Bhartendu Singla was the convenor & Prof Anu Gupta was the organizing secretary of the seminar. Dr Naveen Gupta, PU Chandigarh, Dr Sumit Arora, NDRI Karnal, Dr DC Saxena, SLIET Longowal & Dr Haroon K Naik from SKUAST were the prominent speakers. 41 Students & 19 Faculty members from SLIET Longowal, PIT Kapurthala, KMV Jalandhar, HMV Jalandhar, PCMSD College Jalandhar, Khalsa College Amritsar & LPU Kapurthala. 122 students & 08 faculty members of our department participated in the seminar.
  • DBT sponsored extension lecturer was organised on topics “Fermentation Technology” on February 21, 2012. The key speakers were Dr. S K Soni, Professor, Department of Microbiology, Punjab University, Chandigarh & Dr. Naveen Gupta, Department of Microbiology, Punjab University, Chandigarh.
  • DBT sponsored extension lecturer was organised on topics “Functional & Genetically Modified Food” on September 13, 2010. The key speakers were Dr. S S Thind, Department of Food Technology, Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana & Dr. Naveen Gupta, Department of Microbiology, Punjab University, Chandigarh.
  • DBT sponsored extension lecturer was organised on topics “Food Preservation” on September 12, 2009. The key speaker was Dr. D S Sogi, Department of Food Science & Technology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.

Food scientists and technologists apply scientific disciplines including chemistry, engineering, microbiology, and nutrition to the study of food to improve the safety, nutrition, wholesomeness and availability of food.