
MOUs &


The institution deems that the consultancy assists in bringing new knowledge base and the expertise guidance and consultancy offered by faculty to the needy communities, learners, manufacturers and producers play important role in overall individual and social development. In view of missionary commitment and academic goodwill gestures, the institution encourages consultancy and guidance activities in fulfilling its role as knowledge ambassador. This also provides an opportunity to the faculty to implement their intellectual know-how and expertise. Here, it may be mentioned that the objective of consultancy of the institution is not commercial but of individual and social development.

The consultancy services available in the college are publicised through public meetings, gatherings, parent meetings and general body meetings. Moreover, during its history of more than ninety years, the college has generated distinct goodwill, which fetches consultancy work. Regular interactions during Workshops, Seminars, T. V. Programmes, Conferences with Industrial Houses and Social and Educational institutions also give publicity to our expertise.

The Institute makes every effort to encourage the faculty for utilization of all human resources, intellect and expertise available in the campus to promote liaison with companies / industries / business houses and socio-educational institutions. The institution motivates the professionally qualified and experienced faculty to offer their expertise for consultancy services with the permission of the Management. This helps in promoting liaison with industry and socio-economic sector. In return the students get an opportunity to visit these companies / industrial centres and the placement process is thus, facilitated. The students also utilise these linkages for their academic surveys, project works and job training programmes.

The Consultancy is provided by the college faculty only on the gratuitous basis and no revenue is generated from the same.