Library visit of +1 students.

New students in DAV College got acquainted with the college library, four-day class wise orientation program started with library visit of +1 students.
With the introduction of Library Orientation Programs, Children develop mentally, learns how to maintain discipline and have a gain in their knowledge.
– Principal Dr. Rajesh Kumar
In this orientation program new students of the college visited all the sections of the library and participated in this programme with great enthusiasm. They learned about functioning of all the sections including circulation section, reference section, etc. Students took a variety of information related to language, literature and science, commerce etc. They also read many books in the library. Students of B.A.-1, B.Sc.-1, B.Com.-1, BBA-1, BCA-1, BAJMC-1, will participate in this orientation programme.
Principal Dr. Rajesh Kumar said that DAV College Library is one of the biggest college library in the northern India, which has a huge collection of more than 2 lakhs books, where students will find other important books besides the books of their subjects. The books are made available to the needy and underprivileged students free of cost through Book Bank Scheme, so that there is no obstruction in their education. He inspired all the students to make the maximum use of the college library. Principal Dr Rajesh added that these types of programmes inculcate the reading habits amongst the students and enhance their knowledge.
Librarian Prof. Naveen Saini emphasised that the college library itself is a fully automated library in which the college also provides a username password and facility of e journals and e resources through “INFLIBNET” to every student, so that students can sit anywhere and read e-journals and e-books. The students were very happy to see the library and were impressed by knowing that the college library is providing various services to its users.
He informed that the “Web-OPAC” is also available in the college library. Through this, students can check on the computer about which books are available in the college library, their writers, where they are kept etc. In the end, Naveen Saini said that this orientation program will run for a whole week.
Librarian Shaveta practically demonstrated the functioning of various sections of the library to new students. She motivated the students to become member of “Book Buddies Club” of the library and participate in the literary activities in the library. She inspired the students to read general books regularly as it expands vocabulary and strengthens writing abilities.
Head librarian Shri. Naveen Saini, Librarian Shaveta, Sh. Arun Parashar, Sh. Narinder Khullar, Sh. Ram Chander and other library staff members were present on this orientation programme.
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