PSCST sponsored two day capacity building programme

PSCST sponsored two day capacity building programme organized by Department of Zoology and Department of Biotechnology on minimizing the food Waste
Department of Zoology and Department of Biotechnology in collaboration with Punjab State Council for Science & Technology organized a two day Capacity Building Programme on minimizing food wastage and wet composting for generating responsible climate action at DAV College Jalandhar on 11th & 12th September, 2023. The objective of this event was to provide awareness among students and society people to minimize the food wastage and understanding their role as responsible citizen.
The function was started by enlightening the lamp by respected Principal Dr. Rajesh Kumar along with other dignitaries. Prof. Pooja Sharma Assistant Professor (Zoology) cordially welcome the eminent guests and briefly introduced subject expert Dr. Jaswinder Singh, University Institute of Hotel & Tourism management, PU, Chandigarh, Dr. Ashutosh Sharma Associate Professor, DAV University, Jalandhar and Dr. Saroj Arora Professor, Department of Botany & Environmental sciences GNDU, Amritsar. Principal, Dr. Rajesh Kumar gave encouraging speech on food wastage and enlightened the students with his knowledge.
The opening remarks and introduction of the programme was given by Prof. Punit Puri (Coordinator of PSCST sponsored event). He highlighted the Global Hunger index report of the year 2022 where India ranks 107th out of the 121 countries with a score of 29.1. He indicated that this index means India has a serious level of hunger and under nutrition. He further added that however, India’s agricultural production has increased significantly over the years but this accomplishment is diminished by the large quantity of food that goes to waste. He emphasized the need of taking the real actions to find solution to minimize the food wastage in India.
Dr. Jaswinder Singh talked about food wastage and real cause of hunger. He also demonstrated the chef role and farm to table concept, serving the homeless and danger zone in food environment. He emphasized that our street, garbage bins, landfills, weddings, canteens, hotels, social and family functions, households spew out so much food which is sufficient proof to prove food wastage. He further added that according to the United Nations Development Programme, up to 40% of the food produced in India is wasted.
Dr. Ashutosh Sharma knowledged upon vermicomposting methods especially bed /pit methods, preparation of worm tea and sustainable agriculture in his talk. He suggested effective strategies for vermicompost formation from food waste.
An interactive session on vermicomposting was demonstrated through a workshop by Dr. Saroj Arora. She educated the students about various important species of earthworms utilized in compost formation about minimizing the food wastage and making compost from wet waste.
The session was enriching for the students and it ended with an interactive session between the resource person and the students and faculty members. A large number of students from UG and PG classes attended the workshop.
On the second day, a debate & placard making competition was organized in which a no. of students confirmed their active participation and won various prizes. An awareness rally was also organized along with Robin Hood army who voluntarily active in providing the surplus food to needy peoples from various hotel and restaurants nearby Kapurthala and Jalandhar. The theme of rally was ‘stop wasting food & be a responsible citizen at Adarsh Nagar Park, Jalandhar where awareness was provided to the food stall owners and vendors.
In the last, Dr. Abhinay Thakur President, Darwin Zoological Society, Department of Zoology proposed vote of thanks to those who have directly and indirectly contributed to this event. At the outset, he thanked all resource persons for enlightening the students with their knowledge. He also thanked all organizing committee members viz. Prof. Pooja Sharma, Dr. Deepak Wadhawan, Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Dr. Rishi Kumar, Dr. Kapila Mahajan, Prof. Pankaj Bagga, Dr. Shubham Kapil, Prof. Geetika, Prof. Suman and Prof. Ramandeep Kaur. He also thanked Dr. Ranuka Malhotra (HOD, Biotech department) for collaboration and active participation in this event. He also expressed his gratitude to Prof. Punit Puri, Coordinator of this PSCST sponsored event and Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Principal for providing enthusiastic support and encouragement.
