DAV College, Jalandhar in collaboration with PSCST organized “ECO-Art” to celebrate International Youth Day.
Today, the world is embarking on a green transition. The shift towards an environmentally sustainable and climate-friendly world is critical not only for responding to the global climate crisis but also for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. A successful transition towards a greener world will depend on the development of green skills in the population. Green skills are “knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to live in, develop and support a sustainable and resource-efficient society”. This is the theme for the International Youth Day, 2023 i.e Green skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World.
International Youth Day is an awareness day designated by the United Nations. It is celebrated on 12th august every year to raise the awareness and drive action on a range of issues affecting youth globally.
For the commemoration of International Youth Day 2023, Department of Botany, DAV College, Jalandhar in collaboration with Punjab State Council for Science and Technology, Chandigarh has organized an event “ECO-Art”. Principal Dr. Rajesh Kumar inaugurated the programme in the presence of vice principal, registrar and HODs of different departments by lighting of lamp ceremony. Dr. Sapana Sharma, Professor in-charge Kashyap Biological Society, welcoming all the guests, judges and students from different colleges. Dr. Komal Arora, Head Department of Botany and overall Co-ordinator of the event gave a detailed introduction about various government initiatives for environment protection and sustainability. In her address, she shared about Mission LiFE Programme and the initiatives by Punjab State Council for Science and Technology in organizing S&T promoting student centric activities. She also encouraged the young minds to adopt a lifestyle positive for the environment.
Principal, Dr. Rajesh Kumar urged all the students to be innovative and creative. He stressed upon the green technology and discussed about the plastic pollution. The need of energy efficient models and their future implications were addressed by him aptly. He motivated students to be leaders in the regime of environment protection for sustainable development.
An expert talk entitled, “Role of Sustainability in Infrastructure” by Dr. Rajiv Chauhan, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, IK Gujral Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar was also organized on this occasion. Dr. Chauhan focused on critical role of infrastructure in modern times. He discussed different aspects of climate change, effects of urbanization and infrastructure on environment. He urged all not to use plastic and always go for sustainability.
Different activities of the day included Nature Art/Mandala making, Plastic Waste Art, Energy Efficiency Housing Models and Upcycled Fashion Show. Students from different colleges of the city participated in different activities of the day with great zeal and enthusiasm. The winners of all the activities were acknowledged with prizes and certificates for their endeavours. The objective of spreading awareness about the current scenario of environment degradation, among youth was successfully completed through the scheduled program. The innovative and critical thinking behind the joint efforts of DAV College and PSCST were clearly reflected through various activities. Upcycled fashion show was enjoyed by all as the students they had used discarded waste material to make their outfits. It proved that one man’s trash can be others treasure by creativity. Dr. Rajiv Chauhan, Associate Professor (IKGPTU, Jalandhar), Dr. Sharanjit Kaur and Dr. Navjeet Sharma, Associate Professors, Department of Physics were the judges for different activities.
On this occasion, Prof. Archana Oberoi, Vice- Principal, Prof. Kanwar Deepak, Registrar, Prof. Sheetal Aggarwal, Head, Department of Chemistry, Dr. Renuka Malhotra, HOD, Biotechnology, Dr. Ritu Talwar, HOD Sanskrit, Dr. S. K. Khurana, HOD Economics, Dr. Dinesh Arora, Prof. Anu Gupta, Dr. Seema Saini and Prof. Isha Sehgal graced the occasion with their presence.
In the end, Dr. Lovleen, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany and Organizing Secretary of the event ECO-Art proposed vote of thanks. She thanked Dr. Jatinder Kaur Arora (Executive Director, PSCST), Er. Pritpal Singh (Additional Director, PSCST), Dr. Rupali Bal (Senior Scientist, PSCST) for their support. She also thanked all dignitaries, heads of different departments, faculty members, members of organizing committee Dr. Ekjot Kaur (Innovation Co-ordinator), Dr. Sapana Sharma, Dr. Ranjita Guglani, Dr. Shivani Verma, Dr. Isha Behl, technical staff, non-teaching staff of Botany department and students for making the event a grand success. She also thanked HOD, Computer Science and HOD, Journalism and Mass Communication for extending the technical support. The stage was facilitated by Dr. Sapana Sharma. The event was concluded by her by thanking everyone for their presence.