The NSS unit of DAV College, Jalandhar conducted an orientation program for the newly joined NSS volunteers. The main objectives of NSS scheme and other important information about NSS was provided to the volunteers. College Principal Dr.Rajesh Kumar was the chief guest on the occasion. NSS Coordinator Dr. Sahib Singh and other program officers welcomed the Principal with a bouquet of flowers. Dr. Rajesh Kumar highlighted the importance of NSS and motivated the volunteers and also shared his own experiences of times he himself gave services for a long time as a program officer, NSS unit. He said that NSS is such a platform where a student learns a lot by becoming a volunteer and also becomes a responsible citizen. He blessed the volunteers and asked them to work diligently during this new academic session. On this occasion, NSS Coordinator Dr. Sahib Singh informed the new volunteers associated with NSS about the responsibilities of a citizen towards the country with the references of Punjabi folk stories. He emphasised to move with positive thinking. Program Officer, Madam Dr. Gurjit Kaur, who played the role of managing the forum, also gave information about NSS to the volunteers in a very good manner. Program Officer Prof. Vivek Kumar thanked the Principal, Program Officers and volunteers for making this program a success. On this occasion, NSS Program Officer Prof. Gagan Madan also shared his experiences about NSS with the volunteers. NSS volunteers who arrived in large numbers during this program, also answered questions enthusiastically asked by the program officers.