DAV College, Jalandhar faculty member Dr. Amandeep Kaur presented her research in Japan.
Dr. Amandeep Kaur, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry at DAV College Jalandhar, achieved a significant milestone by presenting her research at a prestigious international conference, “26th IUPAC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS” held in Osaka, Japan from 30th July 2023 to 4th August 2023. Dr. Kaur was awarded with DST-SERB International Travel Grant by Govt. of India to present her research findings in this international conference. The conference, renowned for bringing together leading experts and academics from around the world, provided a platform for Dr. Kaur to contribute to global conversations on Chemical Thermodynamics. This notable achievement underscores the commitment of DAV College Jalandhar to academic excellence and the pursuit of knowledge at the global level. Dr. Kaur showcasesd her innovative work on chemical thermodynamics to the diverse audience of scholars, experts and professionals from around the world by giving oral presentation. Discussions, and networking with peers added an additional layer of enrichment to the conference experience. Principal DAV College Jalandhar, Dr. Rajesh Kumar and HoD PG Dept. Of Chemistry, Prof. Sheetal Aggarwal congratulated her for this outstanding achievement. Dr. Kaur expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the worthy Principal for being the constant source of inspiration, she also acknowledged the guidance and support given by Research & Development Cell (DAV College Jalandhar). She thanked the non-teaching staff as well for their assistance in enabling her to attend the conference.