Department of Botany, DAV College Jalandhar celebrated Van Mahotsav.
Tree plantation is not just something that should be done; instead, it is a necessity, the urgent need of the hour. Plants are important to protect our environment against air pollution and global warming. Considering, the manifold benefits of herbal plants, Department of Botany, DAV College, Jalandhar organized a “Plantation Drive” under the aegis of Kashyap Biological Society on August 12, 2023. The main motto behind having the drive was to provide insights and importance of medicinal plants. Students became acquainted with the common names, scientific names and medicinal importance of plants.
The event was inaugurated by worthy Principal Dr. Rajesh Kumar by planting the sapling of Cassia fistula (Amaltas). All the faculty members of Botany department, non-teaching staff and students of B.Sc. (Medical) semester I, III and V took part in this campaign and planted saplings of different herbal plants including Cassia, Murraya koenigi (Kadi patta), Nyctanthes arbortristis (Harshingar), Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi booti), Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh), Barleria prionoitis (Bajardanti), Bryophyllum pinnatum (Patharchat), Trachyspermum ammi (Jungli ajwain).
In the end, Dr. Sapana Sharma, In-charge, Kashyap Biological Society thanked Principal Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Head Department of Botany, Dr. Komal Arora, faculty members Dr. Lovleen and Dr. Shivani Verma, Non- Teaching Staff Ms. Sneh, Ms. Neetu, Gardeners Sh. Devi Prasad and Sh. Ram Dev and all the students for making this campaign successful.