Principal Dr Rajesh Kumar and Dean IQAC Dr. Dinesh Arora congratulated Dr. Suresh Kumar Khurana, Head, Department of Economics, DAV College Jalandhar for getting invitation and delivering an expert talk on “Alignment of State Indicator Framework with National Indicator Framework for Monitoring Sustainable Development Goals” in the 17th National Statistics day which was celebrated on 29th June 2023 at Regional Office, Field Operations Division, National Statistical Office, under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI), Government of India.
This celebration aimed to create awareness amongst the people, especially the younger generation, for drawing inspiration from (Late) Prof. P C Mahalanobis about the role of statistics in socio economic planning and policy formulation. In India, National Statistics Day is celebrated every year on 29th June on his birthday by organizing events like lectures on statistics by Regional Offices in recognition of contributions made by Professor Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis in the fields of statistics and economic planning. Every year a theme is decided for Statistics Day to focus on attention. The theme for the 17th Statistics Day was “Alignment of State Indicator Framework with National Indicator Framework for Monitoring Sustainable Development Goals”. Dr. Suresh Kumar Khurana shared valuable information in the field of sustainable development goals as a Resource Person.