Career Opportunities in Chemistry

An interactive session on “Career Opportunities in Chemistry” was organized by S. S. Bhatnagar Chemical Society of PG Department of Chemistry. The talk was delivered by Dr. Amandeep Kaur working as Assistant Professor in Chemistry, DAV College Jalandhar.
The program was inaugurated by worthy Principal Dr. Rajesh Kumar and in his address; he highlighted the various applications of chemistry in everyday life and the career scope in this field. He appreciated HOD Prof. Sheetal Aggarwal and Prof Tanu Mahajan (Incharge S.S.Bhatnagar Society) for organizing this interactive session. He valued the importance of internal resource person for the session as the resource person knows better about the needs and capacity of students. He acknowledged Dr. Amandeep for the initiative.
The speaker, Dr. Amandeep Kaur, started her presentation by giving brief outline about the field of chemistry and importance of the subject. She explained the opportunities of “Higher Studies” in the field of chemistry after B.Sc and M.Sc. She described various employment opportunities in the public sector units, prestigious private sectors, and in Government sector to the students. She explained variety of work opportunities in the subject of chemistry, both in India and in abroad. She informed the students about numerous national and international fellowships available for Ph.D in chemistry. The various research areas in the field of chemistry had also been discussed. She motivated the students to explore these fields to pursue their career in chemistry.
Prof. Sheetal Aggarwal (HOD) expressed her gratitude to Principal Sir. She admired Dr. Amandeep Kaur for such an informative session. She motivated the students and ensured them for more interactive sessions in future. She appreciated S.S.Bhatnagar Society Incharge and Student coordinator Sakshi and Deepinder for their efforts. Faculty members of Chemistry Department and Undergraduate, postgraduate students of Chemistry were present in the interactive session.
