Interactive Session: Career Opportunities in Atomic Energy

Physics association of PG Department of Physics, DAV College Jalandhar organised an interactive session on the topic “Career Opportunities in the department of atomic energy” on Feb. 8, 2023, under DBT Star College Scheme. The talk was delivered by Dr. Tammana S. R. C. Murthy and Dr. Yogendra Singh Rajpurohit working as Scientific Officer G, BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre), Trombay, Mumbai, India.

The event started with DAV Anthem and floral welcome of our revered resource persons. Dr. Ritu Pal (Prof. Incharge, Physics Association) welcomed the resource persons, Principal Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Head of Department Dr. Kunwer Rajeev, faculty members and all the students. After that she invited Dr. Kunwer Rajeev, Head, Department of Physics, to formally welcome the resource persons. Prof. Kunwer Rajeev introduced the resource persons and threw light on history of department of Physics. Dr Kunwer Rajeev also presented detailed biodata of Dr Prof F. C. Auluck, in whose memory, Auluck family, settled in Maryland, USA, donated to build this beautiful conference hall in the department of Physics. After this Principal Dr. Rajesh Kumar showered his blessings on students and congratulated HOD Dr. Kunwer Rajeev  & Dr. Shivani for organising the interactive session for students with BARC Scientists. He also briefed the students about the glorious heritage of DAV College Jalandhar. Thereafter Dr. Ritu invited the resource persons to share their expertise and information with students.

The session was jointly conducted by Dr. Tammana S. R. C. Murthy and Dr. Yogendra Singh Rajpurohit. Firstly Dr. Murthy discussed about the importance of Nuclear energy and the opportunities to be explored in Nuclear energy. He described the vision of Homi J Bhabha about nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. He also compared the environmental impact of different technologies (Renewable/ Non-Renewable) for electricity generation and stressed upon the present need of switching from non-renewable energy to renewable energy for sustainability. He gave an idea about the nuclear power generations and its benefits over hydal and thermal plants. Then he discussed research and developments activities and its goal in BARC. He made students aware of the fact that radiation exposure in daily life from different sources such as natural background, some food items, medical tests such as X-ray scan, CT scan, MRI etc.  is much higher than the radiation emission in nuclear power generation. Thus it can be served as good opportunity for large scale electricity production. Then he informed students regarding the three stages of nuclear power plants and  challenges and opportunities ahead  in these stages. Thereafter he shared information regarding career options for UG and PG students at BARC. Further Dr. Murthy detailed about different fellowship programmes for students and funding projects for faculty members. After his presentation, Dr. Yogendra Singh Rajpurohit talked about societal and industrial applications of  nuclear radiations. He  delineated about the achievements of BARC  for societal benefits. One of them is Bhabhatron, which is a very specialised machine developed by BARC. Its cost is only 2.5 crores and its very efficient for killing only cancer cells without affecting normal cells. This machine was gifted to Mongolia by our honourable prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi and was exported to some other countries like Kenya, Tanzania. He also threw light on how nanomaterials can be used to target only cancer cells. He further emphasized on the DAE (Department of Atomic Energy) role in food security and crop production i.e. how the radiation technology is used for increasing shelf life of seasonal fruits and development of high yield seed varieties. Then he further briefed about the achievements of BARC like Pouch based technology for water cleaning, biopolymers for food wrapping, methods for urban and rural based recycling, Bhabha Kavach (Light-weight bullet proof jackets at nominal cost), Chhattisgarh rice for cancer cure etc. Then the two scientists interacted with students and answered their queries. Overall the interactive session was very helpful and informative for students.

At the end Dr. Satish Kumar proposed formal vote of thanks to the resource persons and inspired the students to take benefit from this talk and convert their dreams into reality.
