An awareness rally was organized by the N.S.S. unit of DAV College Jalandhar. The rally started from the college to Maqsudan Mandi against the issue of stubble burning under the campaign " Clean India" and " Environment Protection" The volunteers talked to the farmers present in the grain market and made them aware about the harmful effects of stubble burning on the environment. Along with this, NSS volunteers cleaned up the area in the vicinity of the market and gave a message to the people to keep cleanliness around them.
The awareness rally was launched by the worthy Principal Dr. Rajesh Kumar. On this occasion the wor- thy Principal said that in such programs the youth inculcate the val- ues of good citizens in them. The principal stressed that such pro- grams should be organised regularly. The Program Coordinator Prof. S.K. Midda said that the NSS unit of DAV College Jalandhar is fulfill- ing its responsibilities towards the country with full dedication and this effort will continue in future as well. Program Officer Dr. Sahib Singh, Dr. Gurjit Kaur and Prof. Jasmin led this awareness rally and guided the volunteers on the road with utmost sincerity.
During this awareness rally, pamphlets related to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and environment protection were also distributed to the students of remote villages/cities, which they put up at prominent places of theirrespective villages/cities to raise awareness about this cam- paign. Refreshments were provided to the students immediately after the rally and cleanliness drive. The program officers thanked their volunteers for making this campaign a grand success.