Inter Group Firing Competition

An inter group Firing competition was held on 11 April ,2019 at HDCA Firing Range, Hoshiarpur.All the NCC units of Jalandhar group took part in competition including 1(Pb) Air Sqn, NCC, Jalandhar. Among 18 cadets of this air unit DAV College, Jalandhar participated with 8 cadets for this completion. 8 cadets are selected for 3P (three different Firing position):






JWO G. Chatturvedi, Corporal Neeraj, Corporal Bahar Miya were there as guiding instructor of air wing cadets. Group commander was also present there in the competition who motivated the cadets and blessed for their future endeavors.Principal Dr. S.K. Arora congratulated the cadets on their achievement.


The participating cadets from DAV College, Jalandhar were:

1.Cdt Akshay

2.Cdt J.K Mishra

3.Cdt Ambika

4.Cdt Babita

5.Cdt Priyanka

6.Cdt Rajanveer

7.Cdt Akash

8.Cdt Davinderjeet Kaur



Composed by Cadet Akshay

