
DAV College’s Girls Hostel organised their annual celebration Golden Night “Raaftar-2017- She is on her way “

Cheif guest of this celebration was Jalandhar’s Deputy Commissioner Shri Vrinder Kumar Sharma,who was welcomed by College Principal Dr S.K.Arora and Hostel Warden Prof T.D.Saini and Romila Verma. Commissioner Sharma said that”it doesnt matter in which feild of work you are in, only thing which matter is your input, which should be hundred percent. We should never leave an oppurtunity which leads us to success. Always work hard for your future”.

The celebration started with Ganesh Vandana and was followed by Dr S.K.Arora’s welcome speech where he addressed all the guests and students. Chairman of DAV Local Advisory Committee Shri Kundan Lal Aggarwal was also present. Guest of honour was Shri H R Ghandaar (Advisory to President DAVCMC)

Hostel students whole program was based on Indian Culture,where Mratha song pinga,kashmiri dance,bhangra of punjab, One act play and poetry was also showcased in the program. A play was also done,which brought tears to the audience eyes.

Principal Dr S.K.Arora congratulated students for a hit program. And said that programs like this makes college proud. He also mentioned that, girls studies and safety is the top priority of DAV College and giving them a bright future is our top goal. He motivated students to do well in their life and thanked the guests for attending the program.

Cheif Warden TD Saini thanked Warden Mrs Romila, Mrs Renu and Anupama along with the students for delivering a hit show.

Anukriti did hiphop, Ekta and her friends gave a group dance performance, Radhika did a performance on Love yourself. Manjot and her group did bhangra, Neha and her group did rajasthani dance,Pawan and group did fusion and Ragni danced on bollywood songs.

Prof TD Saini thanked everyone at the program. Vice principal V.K.Sareen,Prof Hemant Kumar,Prof Kamaldeep,Prof Satish, Prof Komal and Dr Rajeev Sharma were present on the occasion.

