13th National Youth Parliament

DAV held the 13th National Youth Parliament

In order to give a real parliamentary feel whole of seminar room was arranged like that. Prime minister was sitted on the right side of speaker and the depty speaker of opposition party was seated to left side of speaker. Students were wearing ethnic cloths according to their role,which made parliment look sureal.

Out of whole country 55 universities are taking part,in which D.A.V college jalandhar was categorised under group B with a team of 64 students, and won the round and made our college proud. And gave a mind blowing performance again on 9th March,2017.

D.A.V college is already a winner for the 10th and the 11th Youth parliament.

National Level was evaluated by Eminent Personalities from the ministry

1) Sh Bratin Sengupta,V Ex- MP, Rajya Sabha

2)Sh R C Mohanty, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi

3) Mrs Geeta Kahlo, Associate Professor of Political Science, S D College for Women Jalandhar.

Sh. Mohinder singh Kaypee, former MP will be the Chief Guest.

D.A.V College, Jalandhar conducted 13th National Youth Parliament(National level), organised by Department of Political Science. Sponsored by Ministry of Parliamentry Affairs, Government of India, Delhi. The main reason behind the competition is to give an idea to students about how the parliament work’s in our country and create an interest in their mind to join politics and represent our country, work for the very own nationality which give him/her an identity.

The Chief Guest for youth parliament was Shri Mohinder Singh Kaypee ex ,Member of Parliament ( Lokh Sabha,Jalandhar district of Punjab) and was honoured by College principal Dr S K Arora , Vice Principal V.K.Sareen, Prof K.K.Ghai,Prof Satesh Tandon,Prof Sharadh Manocha, Dr Dinesh Arora and P.R.O Prof Manish Khanna.

Principal Dr S K Arora addressed Shri mohinder Singh Kaypee as a “Gentalman Politician” appriciated his kind and loving nature and the ability of avoiding unwanted controversies. Principal told the youth that they got potential to today’s youth is tomorrows future,they can achieve high goals,they got the capacity to work hard,be passionate and full of energy,so our nation can depend upon the up comming leaders like you.

Activites of the program-

Oath taking ceremony for new ministers, obituary speech, question hour, papers to be laid,zero hour, paper laid by upper chamber of youth parliament, welcome ceremony for british parliamentary delegates and motion of no confidence.

Important topic talked about:

Nation’s security, inflation, corruption, unemployment, black money, demonetisation.

The member of the press who have witnessed the proceding are :- Gagan Kumra ;Shikha ;Bhupash ;Punay .

The parliament starts with entry of Marshall Sam Abraham and Speaker Tavishi Thapar when whole of the house stands to show her respect and greet her, which completes the first activity of the session. After the greeting Speaker asks Secretary General Mr Manu called upon new minster for oath taking ceremony, where Disha Kundu and Shivantika Nagar take oath in bangla an hindi language respectively, which completes the second activity of the house.

In third activity the speaker of the house inform the member about the demise of their colleague, accompanied with obituary speech of Prime Minster Gaurav Rattna and Leader of Opposition Megha Malhotra expressing sorrow and grief on the loss of an effective parliamentarian, later silence for few moment was kept in memory for the minister leading to the end of the third activity.

For the fourth activity Prime Minister introduced new ministers to the parliament Deepak Verma and Shailesh Pandey with a huge around of applause.

Call for the fifth activity was made by Speaker that was, Question Hour, where first question was put forward to Skill Development Minister Miss Surbhi Arora by member of opposition party Miss Harneet Kaur about this new branch and how skill set of youth and employment will will br incresed, to which Miss Surbhi gives a satisfactory answer. Next question was asked to Minster of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare Miss Ananya Singh about the usage of banned pesticides in Inida, from Aarti Sood and Bhakti Bawa. Third question was asked to Gurleen water and sanitation minister of the Youth parliament by Himalaya Prakash a member from rulling party itself abput clean india moment. Fourth and final question for the question hour activity was asked from Tanya Wadhwa the Railway minister of the youth parliament for Anti Collision Device by Inderpreet Kaur and Neha Miglani whose positive answer cheered the house which made end to the fifth activity of the house.

The sixth activity was divided in two part, first was about serious breach of privilege whose alam was raised by Miss Sushmita to the Speaker and second part was about papers to be laid by Ministers of the house Miss Sadhika Chopra and Miss Kritika Chopra, which led an end to the activity.

The seventh activity consisted Mr Gauravpreet sharing his concern about the serious drug problem in state of Punjab and speaker introduced Foreign Delegates of UK to the house through which seventh activity was ended.

The Final activity was Motion of no Confidence requested by the leader of opposition as according to the party the ruling party was unable to run the country properly. Where she and her fellow party member Miss Gurkirat, Miss Anmolpreet raised questions to the on-going policies and huge issue of corruption, demontetization and Prime-Minsters trip to other countries which totally changed the on-going enviorment of parliament. After long speech of criticism and allegation by the opposition party The Finance Minister Roopali Taneja, Minister or External Affair Mr Abhijeet Singh and Prime minister Gurav Rattna gave satisfying reasons to go against the motion, the voting was pretty much for supporting of the ruling party which cause motion to be defeated. Which led an peaceful end to parliamentary session with happiness.

The member of the press who have witnessed the proceding are :- Gagan kumra ;Bhupesh Panday and Punay.

During his speech, Minister Mohinder Singh kaypee shared the fact that he himself was a student of D.A.V college jalandhar, and reason behind the success of the college is disciplined nature attained from ages.His father was a student here too. He admired the youth parliament held by the college and said”he thought he was sitting in a real one” he liked the way students put forward their veiw for ongoing problems in the country, and promised one of the participant will be a minsiter in future for sure. He mentioned that today’s genratiom tomorrows leader and seeing their performance he believed that country’s future is in good hands.For D.A.V college he stated that he got special bond with the college and feel happy when gets any invitation from here and congratulated political science deptt and principal of college for the hard work put behind the event.

Shri Rajan (Secretary Parliamentary Affairs )the key observer at the occasion quoted “it feels immense pleasure to see young budding ministers performing their role so beautifully and it was more pleasure to watch an ideal parliamentary session taking place which we don’t get to see normally In the lok and rajya sabha. DAV College has been the winner if this competition twice and seeing their performance today they exhibited total justice to thier consistency “

The cheif architect behind this program was Dr Dinesh Arora. Prof Sharadh Manocha congratulated students for a great performance and Dr BB sharma gave vote of thanks.

Top 8 speakers were given awards :
Gaurav ratna (Prime Minister)
Gaurav preet singh (Zero hour)
Anmol preet kaur(No confidence motion )
Garkirat kaur(no confidence motion )
Megha (leader of opposition )
Arti (question hour )
Rupali taneja (Minster of Finance )

Above mention students were given momento and all participating students were awarded participation certificates,by all the dignitaries.

