Well Done Boys-Chak de
After 15 years of wait Indian won Junior Hockey World Cup and made history,where the captain of the winning team and 4 other players were from D.A.V College Jalandhar.
It is a moment of double happiness that Indian team Drag flicker and D.A.V college player Harmanpreet Singh was honoured by “Fans Choice Player award”.Goals made in final moment of match were through hockey stick of our very own college.
After 15 years Indian Junior Hockey team won the world cup and wrote a new page in the book of history, Gurjant Singh and Simranpreet Singh played a huge role for making India win in Finals.Indian hockey players and the whole country was waiting for this prolonged moment.Congratulations to the whole team.
– Principal Dr B.B.Sharma.
The way the players played,and the fact that the goals made in the match were by our deptt students of D.A.V college jalandhar,I feel proud on the Captain of team Harjeet Singh and his team members.
-Dr Manu Sud, (HOD Physical education deptt)
After 15 years of wait Indian Junior hockey team for men won world cup with 2-1 score making Belgium beg second position.It is a moment of proud to realise that winning team had 5 hockey players from D.A.V College Jalandhar. Captain Harjeet Singh and Varun Kumar are present students of the college and Harmanpreet Singh played in olympics too,Simranjeet Singh and Gurjunt Singh are last year student of our college.
We should emphasize on the fact that Gurjunt Singh( in7th min) and Simranjeet Singh(in 23th min) made a goal. Who so ever watched this match live in the stadium wont be able to forget this gracefull moment. Indian players started doing Bhangra after winning the cup and other also enjoyed the moment. Coach Harinder Singh were not able to control his tears of joy. The atmosphere was full of joyous some cried, some smiled to show their happiness. It was 15 years ago when India won the cup in Australia and it is the second time India won this tournament. It was a momrnt of proud for college principal,coaches, teachers and other faculty members.
In order to make this momemt special Principal Dr B.B.Sharma said that those who work hard for their national games,they are the people who are true Indian. The feeling I got while watching Chack De India,is the same feeling i have right now.The way the players played, making goals in first half of the match it was already felt that India won. I can say that the future of our natiional game is strong hands l. I want to congratulate the whole team and every citizen of India,and wish for more achieving moments like this.
Dr Manu Sud (HOD physical education) said that our students with their hardwork and focused mind has achieved this level of greatness at this young age.This achievment is not only for the name of college but for the parents and every citizen who play for the tricolour flag of this country gives a new hope for achievement. Indian team showed great confidence in all over the tournament, specially at the moment of despair. They showed great energy in every match. The game against Australia in semifinal showed a great game play in shootout,And made the psychology of team strong, I find Junior team better than the seniors team.With a upper hand in the first half and controlling game till the very end was very appreciable.We could see the strenght of the team with each feild goal.Man of the match Gurjunt made a zero angle goal,which was one of the best goal I have ever seen. I wish that this team wins every world cup in every coming tournament. In the end all i want to say is ” Yes i am proud of you my boys