Sub-lieutenant Manoj Kumar lead Punjab Directorate under his Supreme leadership.
D.A.V College's NCC 's Naval Wing incharge Sub-lieutenant Manoj Kumar was chosen as the representative of All India Nau Sainik Camp.This camp was organised by Karnataka and Goa N.C.C Directorate at Government of India's Naval Base, Karwar(Karnatka)
Fourty member team of Naval Cadets from Punjab, Haryana,Himachal Pardeah and Chandigarh Directate was chosen through three selection camps in the months of August, September and October. Through this 40 candidates were shot-listed out of 250. Three selection camps were held at NCC Academy Ropar. The selection camp was held under the supervision of Commodore Bal Rajesh Singh of 2 Pb. Naval Unit NCC, Amritsar.
All India Naval camp held in Karnataka for Punjab, Haryana,Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh directorate was held under the leaderahip of Sub-lieutenant Manoj Kumar. D.A.V college Cadets Jatin Rana,Rahul Kumar, Nikhil, Nishant Sharma were part of the camp.
Principal Dr B.B.Sharma Congratulated Manoj Kumar and other candidates for the achievement.