D.A.V Press Club is formulated in DAV College Jalandhar

“D.A.V Press Club” is formulated in DAV College Jalandhar

To enhance the press coverage and media releases of the college activities ” D.A.V Press Club ” was formulated under the stewardship of Principal Dr B B Sharma & Prof Manish Khanna President Press Club .

D.A.V Press Club is an association for journalists and others students engaged in the production and dissemination of news. Membership of this club has been on an inclusive basis ie Students from all the departments of the college have been given membership based on their willingness to learn something new and innovative.

Principal Dr BB sharma at the occasion quoted “such an occasion is an innovation in itself because it’s for the first time in the history of DAV college jalandhar that a press club has been formulated to Provide a holistic view to the media coverage of the college activities. I congratulate Our Public Relations Officer and President of Press club Prof Manish khanna who basically conceived this idea of involving students to illustrate them practically how News coverage actually happens .My good wishes to Prof Manish Khanna and all the student members of the Newly formed press club and I am sure it would be a great success

Prof Manish khanna President Press club at this occasion quoted “the field of journalism and press is a very vast and incredible field To work upon. I wanted that our students also should gain the knowledge as to how media coverage actually happens ,how to deal with the press reporters and journalists , how News editing is done and much more . This field enhances the overall personality of humans, so it was a heartfelt wish from my side to Incorporate bright students too from various departments to explore this incredible field . I am sure it will bring great fruitful results

The members were given badges.

The members of Press club are

1.Prof Manish Khanna President Press club

2.Prof Bhuvan Lamba -Teacher In charge

3.Madhur Chopra (Mcom) Vice President

4. Deepak Verma( Bjmc ) Secretary

5. Gagan Kumra (Bcom) Joint Secretary

6. Ananya Kaura (Bsc- Economics) Director

7. Shivantika Nagar (Mcom) Director

8. Vaibhav Vohra(Bcom) Director

The students were really enthusiastic and passionate enough to have the new responsibility over thier shoulders and said that they are really excited for this challenging and innovative task and we look forward to a holistic approach towards our writing skills and personality enhancement and we hope of becoming budding journalists.

