Physics Department of DAV College Jalandhar created a moment of glory by booking 2 positions in the top 4 positions in the MSc Semester One University Examination"
"It is indeed a proud moment for DAV College Jalandhar, I am feeling immensely proud of my teachers and students "
-Principal Dr. B B Sharma.
This result is an evidence of the prestige of this college
– Prof Vijay Gupta (Vice Principal)
Getting such sort of results , I feel honoured enough and its the result of sheer determination and hard work "
-Prof T D Saini ( HOD)
The MSC physics department booked 2 positions in university first semester exams.
"Himani Budhiraja" secured Second position in University with 464/600 and quoted " I feel thankful enough to my family and teachers for their support and guidance always and motivating me always . Timely preparation of notes and their revision were the key to my success and I want to become a lecturer in future and one should always remain honest to oneself , their goal and their teachers "
"Deepti" scored 461/600 " and secured fourth position in the university. She quoted "I have a heart full of gratitude for my parents and teachers for their everlasting motivation .Whatever I am , or will be I owe it to them . Smart work is what I did . I want to become an associate professor in future and only with when life ditches us , we learn from it , we should be stern and committed towards our goal "
Principal Dr B B Sharma quoted " I am immensely proud of you all . This department has been the best always with a creative long-term approach and I congratulate the students and their faculty and families on their great result . Our college has always been at its best to provide conducive environment to the students and help them always . . In the end principal Dr. B B Sharma , vice principal Prof Vijay Gupta , Vice principal Prof Vijay Sareen congratulated the students on this golden achievement and to the Physics department HOD Prof T D Saini , Prof Kunwar Rajeev , Prof Hemant Kumar, Prof Satish Kumar Sharma and other faculty members.
Head of the department of physics department Prof TD saini quoted "I feel immensely happy and proud and I assure the best assistance to the students in case of any need "