A Two-Day National Conference
(Sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi)
Governance, Reforms and Development in India
(March 11-12, 2016)
March 11, 2016
* Registration: 09.00 a.m. -10.00 a.m. (Venue: College Auditorium)
* Inaugural Session 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon. (College Auditorium)
* Tea Break: 12.00 noon .-12.30 p.m. (College Auditorium)
* Technical Session-I (Paper Presentations: 12.30 p.m.-2.00 p.m.)*
* Lunch Break: 02.00-03.00 p.m.
* Technical Session-II (Paper Presentations: 3.00 p.m.-4.30 p.m.)*
March 12, 2016
* Technical Session-III (Paper Presentations: 09.00 a.m.-10.30 a.m.)*
* Tea Break: 10.30 a.m.-11.00 noon
* Technical Session-IV (Paper Presentations: 11.00 a.m-12.45 p.m.)*
* Session- V (Plenary 11.00 a.m.-12.30 p.m.)**
Valedictory Function: 1:00-2:30 p.m.
(Conference Hall of Computer Department)
* Lunch
* (Venue: Conference Hall of Computer Department)
** (Venue: Committee Room Adjoining Principal's office)