NAAC Sponsored National Seminar on Teaching, Learning & Evaluation

National Seminar



Teaching, Learning & Evaluation

Sponsored by


March 18-19, 2016


Organised by

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

DAV College Jalandhar

(NAAC Re-accredited Grade A, CGPA 3.76)

Mahatma Hans Raj Road,

Jalandhar-Punjab – 144 008 (India)

Phone : 0181-2255641, 42, 43



Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

The College has established an Internal Quality Assurance Cell on December 19, 2003, which channelizes and systematises the efforts and measures of the college towards academic excellence. It works out strategies to remove deficiencies and ensures consistent improvement in the teaching learning process.With informal interactions with the students, the channelizes and systematises the efforts and measures of the college towards academic excellence. It works out strategies to remove deficiencies and ensures consistent improvement in the teaching learning process.With informal interactions with the students, the IQAC analyses the feedback received from the students and also proposes new academic programmes according to the changing trends in the job market. It also focuses on infrastructural requirements, requirements of staff and students in terms of teaching and equipment, strategies for further improvements in academics, extra-curricular and sports activities, building linkages, awareness programmes for students to instil values and a sense of responsibility, proposals for workshops, seminars and conferences and other welfare activities for the students and the staff and promoting the use of technology for enhanced teaching learning. The college has analyses the feedback received from the students and also proposes new academic programmes according to the changing trends in the job market. It also focuses on infrastructural requirements, requirements of staff and students in terms of teaching and equipment, strategies for further improvements in academics, extra-curricular and sports activities, building linkages, awareness programmes for students to instil values and a sense of responsibility, proposals for workshops, seminars and conferences and other welfare activities for the students and the staff and promoting the use of technology for enhanced teaching learning. The college has NAAC Re-accredited Grade A, with CGPA 3.76, making it one of the highest graded top colleges of India.

Theme of the Seminar

As the educational spectrum of the country has witnessed a transformation with respect to the change in focus contextualizing higher education, the relevance of exploring, revising, upgrading and redesigning our methods of teaching, learning and evaluation is of paramount importance. As educators, it has become necessary to have a dialogue- raising questions, seeking answers, interpreting evidence, implementing changes and examining their effects – without which teaching, learning and evaluation remains an empty and intellectually unfulfilling mechanical process.dialogue- raising questions, seeking answers, interpreting evidence, implementing changes and examining their effects – without which teaching, learning and evaluation remains an empty and intellectually unfulfilling mechanical process.

In this context, the National Seminar on Teaching, Learning and Evaluation aims to bring under one roof academic administrators, faculty members and policy makers to share views and ideas about new possibilities of delivering education and conducting evaluation and is intended as a guideline to those interested in serving students of different backgrounds and abilities, through effective teaching – learning experiences. The educators by sharing the most successful, innovative and practical ideas and strategies will be assisting each other in becoming more effective in their positions. The seminar is an effort to produce a distinctive way of thinking about how teaching and evaluation in higher education influence the quality of student learning. Today’s students need to know not only the basic reading and arithmetic skills, but also skills that will allow them to face a world that is continually changing. Educators need to take an active role in greater integration of technology and teaching, improved way of increasing pace and extent of learning as well as making decisions about the purpose of assessment and the content that is being assessed. Hence, this seminar hopes to play a pivotal role in enabling the evolvement of new ideas through peer discussions and scholarly engagements and to disseminate these among the stakeholders.


Objectives of the Seminar

*           Enhancing the ability of all delegates to grow by interaction.     

*           Exchanging views on influence of teaching and evaluation on student learning.

*           Energizing the teachers by providing an opportunity to learn effective pedagogical techniques.

*           Encouraging scholarly inquiry related to education.

*           Promoting integration of technology for teaching learning success.

*           To discuss the innovative ideas and Best practices being followed in Teaching-Learning and Evolution.

*           To Re-define the Role of the Teachers in nurturing Higher Education.

*           To discuss the Evolution Process and Reforms in Higher Education.

*           To deliberate upon the present scenario and challenges before Higher Education in India.

Discussion Themes

·     Role of Teaching, Learning and Evaluation in Higher Education

·     Teaching Techniques in Higher Education

·     Role of ICT in Teaching – Learning

·     Innovations in Teaching-Learning process

·     Challenges before Teaching-Learning process

·     Innovations and Best Practices in Higher Education

·     Role of Teachers in nurturing Higher Education

·     Evolution Process and Reforms in Higher Education

·     Student performances and Learning outcomes

·     Methods of Evolution and Conduct of Examinations

·     Courses of Study and Syllabi

·     Issues of Governance in Higher Education

·     Role of Leadership and Management in Higher Education

·     Issue of Autonomy and Accountability in Higher Education

·     Role of Ethics and Values in Higher Education

·     Role of Assessment and Accreditation towards improving the Quality of Education


Call for Papers

The original and unpublished research papers are invited on the theme and sub-themes of the seminar from the eminent scholars.The abstract should be limited to 200 words and full paper should not be more than 3500 words. The Abstract / full paper should include title of the paper, full name of the author/ authors and institutions and contact number.  The Abstract / full paper should be sent to:


Important Dates

Last date for Abstract Submission         March 10, 2016

Notification of acceptance                     March 12, 2016

Last date for full paper                          March 14, 2016

Registration Fee

Paper Presenters                             Rs. 1000/-

Delegates                                        Rs. 500/-

All payments should be made by DD/cheque in favour of Principal DAV College, Jalandhar payable at Jalandhar


Chief Patron                                   Patron                                                          Principal, IQAC Co-ordinator

Sh. Punam Suri                             Dr. Satish K. Sharma                                    Dr. B B Sharma

President, DAVCMC, New Delhi     Director (Colleges) DAVCMC, New Delhi         Director-Seminar



For detail please Contact:

Convener Seminar, Sharad Manocha, 0914814825

Organising Secretary, Sonika Dania, 9914140790

Associate Organising Secretary, Dr. Dinesh Arora, 9814861848
