National Seminar – Good Governance in India: Initiatives, Challenges & Prospects

National Seminar
Good Governance in India : Initiatives, Challenges & Prospects
Sponsored by
ICSSR North-Western Regional Centre, Chandigarh
February 20, 2016
Organised by
Post-Graduate Department of Political Science
DAV College, Jalandhar
Theme of Seminar
Good governance has become a perfect sound bite for the present age. It has become a buzzword in the vocabulary of political and administrative reforms. It is also used as synonymous to sound development management. It first emerged in the mid-1980s as governability with the emphasis on adherence to the rule of law. In 1989, the World Bank study “Sub-Saharan Africa-from Crisis to Sustainable Growth”, the term 'Governance' was first used to describe the need for institutional reforms and efficient public sector in Sub-Saharan countries. It defined governance as “the exercise of political power to manage a nation's affairs.” 
Historically, the idea of Good Governance is as old as Indian civilization. In ancient India, the rulers were bound by dharma, popularly called 'Raj Dharma', which precisely meant for ensuring good governance to the people. 
When during 1990s World Bank raised the issue of governance, this immediately became an issue of concern for India. The different five year plans give importance to this concept of Good Governance. A number of initiatives have already been taken for improving the quality of governance in India like RTI Act 2005, RTE and MGNREGA etc. However, despite achieving success on several counts, there are still many challenges for the governance system in our country.
Sub Themes
o Good Governance  in  Ancient Indian Society
o Minimum Government and Maximum Governance
o E-Governance  a key to Good Governance
o Right to Information Act and Good Governance in India
o Right to Education and Good Governance
o Social Security Schemes and Good Governance
o Role of Judiciary in Good Governance
o Politics on the issue of Good Governance
o Political Parties and issue of Good Governance
o Challenges of Good Governance in India
o Civil Society and Good Governance
o Role of Media and Good Governance
o Civil Services set up and Good Governance.
o Corporate Governance in India
o Prospects of Governance in India
Call for Papers
The original and unpublished research papers are invited on the theme and sub-themes of the seminar from the eminent scholars. The abstract should be limited to 200 words and full paper should not be more than 3500 words. Abstract / full paper should be sent at email
Important Dates
Last date for Abstract Submission January 10, 2016
Notification of accepted papers January 15, 2016
Last date for full  paper Submission January 31, 2016
Registration Fee
Academics Rs. 300/-
Research Scholar Rs. 200/-
Student Rs. 100/-
All payments should be made by DD in favour of Principal, DAV College, Jalandhar payable at Jalandhar.
Dr. B B Sharma (Convenor)
Head, Department of political Science
Mobile : 98148-62367
