Industrial tour to National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal

“India can be a hub of providing dairy development education to Africa , Latin America and Caribbean countries”

This fact was informed to the food and science department of DAV College Jalandhar , on their industrial tour to National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal

Following the principle of “Fun With Learn Trip” the BFST semester 3 and semester 5 students for imparting them practical knowledge , were taken on an Industrial trip to national research institute.

Under the stewardship of
Prof Jaswinder , Prof Jyotsna , Prof Komaldeep the students were guided towards this industrial tour for imparting them practical knowledge , were taken on an Industrial trip to national research Institute. The students learnt the mechanical sophisticated way of milking.

The National Dairy Research Institute as the premier Dairy Research Institution undertakes research, teaching and extension activities towards dairy development in the country. Being the National Institute, it conducts basic and applied research with the objective to enhance animal productivity and also to develop cost effective technologies for the benefit of the teeming millions. Further, the Institute provides high quality manpower to meet the human resource requirements for the overall dairy development in the country. The Institute also undertakes extension programmes for transferring the know-how from the laboratory to the farmers’ fields.

Students visited live stock rearing center where they were shown the live mechanized and automatic milking of milch animals. They also visited cattle yard where they saw hybrid variety of cow and buffalo and cloned animals. Students were informed about the hygienic conditions of the plant ,and how they can be kept clean using stainless steel or plastic )

The officials told the students about bucket milking system ,which can be implemented in case of electricity crises which incorporated vaccum ,engines and pumps

The main attraction of the institute was the museum and model dairy plant. It is the small industrial dairy unit manufacturing the dairy products for Mother Dairy, India.

Prof Bhartendu (Head of the department, BFST) quoted ‘this trip inculcated exclusive practical knowledge in the students ‘ , and told how this industry contributes up to 30% to the economy and told the growth of this industry and milk production in India is 4times more than the world’s average of growth and milk production “

