Commerce Forum of DAV College Jalandhar in collaboration with T.I.M.E. Institute and PIBM institute organised a conclave on “21st Century Corporate Landscaping ” with the stern aim of making the students aware of the ground practical field realities , and to sharpen their exclusive skills.
The eminent resource person in the Conclave were Mr Zulfi Ali Bhutto (Business head , social Enterprise , Google Asia Pacific ) for marketing , Mr Manish Singh (head human resource and administrator , Haier applainces India Private limited ) on human resources , Mr Vaibhav ( management consultant and freeline facilitator , impact training and consultants ) on finance .
The event started with a floral welcome of all the corporate world dignitaries by Principal Dr B B Sharma , HOD Prof Vijay Gupta , Dr Sanjeev Sharma , Prof Ashok Kapoor and Prof Manish khanna .
Mr Rishabh Gupta (Head of jalandhar chapter of Time ) introduced all the resource persons to the audience and quoted “there is a huge difference between theoretical knowledge and practical ground realities , and this is the main aim of the conclave and inspired the students to fulfil the expectations of their parents who always give up their lives for the upbringing and welfare of their ward and this is only possible if we opt for the right career path .
Mr Zulfi Ali Bhutto with his power point presentation explained his corporate philoshphies and fundas and he refered a book to the students written by Maxwell ” what got you here , will not get you there ” .He told the students to be honest , sincere , and learn integrity , time management and become self confident , talked about the 3 Am friends and he said one should be clear with their goals .
He gave his funda of “I will work everyday, every week , every month , every quarter , every year and year after year ” and appealed to the students to become focused and committed to join corporate sector and asked the students to become an asset for the country rather than a liability and told the students to trust their will and their skill “.
Human resources , resource person Mr Manish Singh talked about the implications of human resources and told them to chalk out their financial targets . He quoted ” you want to earn 5 lac or 15 lacs , accordingly you have to mould your self ,and opt for the career accordingly , but if you expect to achieve your financial target without prior hardwork or dedication , that’s a misconception on your part “. He told human resources are an integral part of any business ,and if they are not managed properly , it can affect your business . He talked about enterpreneurship and self employment , and said ” either create a company or join. A good compamy “. He focused on sharpening ones communication skills and management , which helps one to become master in the corporate world .
He further said He also mentioned that corporate sector is willing to provide jobs if every candidate willingly defines his/her importance to the org… Corporates tend to go for campus placement cuz they seek those HR in the youth who not only stick to the academics but has an fathoming attitude nd discipline towards every aspect of corporate sector.. From dealing with the kingpin customer to dealing with theis subordinates.. They should be capable of handling the flux in their corporate world” .
The finance resource person – Mr Vaibhav (management consultant , freelance facilitator , impact training and consultancy ) quoted “finance is like blood in the veins of an organization ” , so finance procurement and management is of integral interest for the top level management , and for this Portfolio management , asset management , chartered financial analyst , chartered accountants , investment banking , professional brokerage and stock market analysts are the major core avenues ”
The only need is to productively utilize the funds in economic development of the country. He further quoted that corporate sector is flooded with jobs of all profiles , you just need to take the correct timely decisions .
After this a panel discussion was conducted where Prof Ashok Kapoor initiated the discussion and all the resource person along with Mr rishabh and Mr Ehsan ul haq participated where many students participated by asking various questions and the panelists discussed various corporate fundas , and said whatever you do , make sure its the best , or you will fall in the category of the rest , stay unique and incredible and sharpen your adaptivity skills to adapt to the ground Corporate realities .
Principal Dr B B Sharma , Dr Sanjeev Sharma , Prof Vijay gupta thanked all the resource persons .
In the end every one was given a token of gratitude – a sounvenier .
Prof vijay gupta (Hod ) , Prof Rajiv Sharma, Prof puri , Prof Amit Jain , Pro Manish Khanna , Dr Sanjeev , Prof isha , Prof Ekjot , Prof Ashok ,Prof Ram etc were present to grace the conclave