Visit of BSc. (Medical) Students to CPRS, Jalandhar
A trip to Central Potato Research Station, Jalandhar has been organised by the Department of Botany, DAV College, Jalandhar under the aegis of Kashyap Biological Society on September 22, 2015. 40 Students of BSc. Medical II and III year visited this research station under Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla and explored the on-going research on Solanum tuberosum (Potato).
Two extension lectures were delivered by the staff members of CPRS. Dr. Ratna Preeti Kaur elaborated the basic concept of Plant Tissue Culture to the students whereas Er. Sukhwinder Singh gave a presentation on Aeroponics (soil less cultivation). Now a days, it is becoming revolution in every other aspect of crop cultivation in India and abroad.
The students got a chance to visit Aeroponic Chambers and Tissue Culture laboratory to observe culturing techniques practically. Sh Akhilesh Singh showed different cultures of potato seedlings regenerated in vitro to staff and students.
Such kind of visits, surely prove fruitful to students for learning advanced research techniques and their practical applications. Their exploration can fulfill growing demands of profitable business at small scale using.
We are really thankful to Dr. Minhas (Head, CPRS), Dr. Ashiv Mehta (Scientist) and other staff members for their extended support to fulfill this visit. Dr. Komal Arora (HOD, Dept. of Botany), Dr. Loveleen and Miss Heena accompanied students for this visit.