Department of Botany, DAV College, Jalandhar organized a DBT Sponsored Extension Lecture on Population Ecology on September 14, 2014 under the aegis of Kashyap Biological Society. Resource person on this occasion was Dr. A.K.Thukral, Professor, Department of Botanical & Environmental Sciences, GNDU, Amritsar.
Prof Thukral is a renowned researcher and stalwart academician who has served as Supervisor of 11 PhD and 15 MPhil research scholars. He has performed manyacademic and administrative assignments such as Head of Department, Dean Student Welfare, Dean Faculty of Life Sciences, Director of Research, Co-ordinator Environment Sciences, Co-ordinator Computer Applications in Botany, Deputy co-ordinator COSIST (UGC), Co-ordinator GNDU Evaluation Centre, Co-ordinator Life Sciences, Co-ordinator FIST, Chairman Campus Committee, Co-ordinator DST-PURSE Programme, Co-ordinator Centre with Potential for Excellence in life Science, Co-ordinator University with potential for Excellence and presently as Expert appointed by Hon’ble National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi w.e.f 2013. Prof. Thukral is one of the first Computer Literate since 1975. He has attended 100 national and 2 international conferences and has 97 research papers to his credit. He has completed different Research Projects under Ministry of Environment and Forests, DST, ICMR and Punjab State Council of Science & Technology. 11 PhD and 15 MPhil Students have been supervised by him. His outreach activities include more than 250 lectures as Keynote addresses, invited talks, Presidential addresses and extension lectures at different universities and colleges.
The function started with floral welcome of Prof. Thukral by Dr. B.B.Shrama, Principal, DAV College; Dr.(Mrs.) Komal Arora, HOD, Botany Department; Dr. Rajeev Sharma from Chemistry Department and Dr. Rajiv Sharma, Commerce Department and faculty members. Stage co-ordinator Ms. Swati Chawalia welcomed all guests. Dr. Komal Arora introduced Prof. Thukral highlighting his academic and research achievements. Dr. B.B. Sharma talked about environmental degradation due to human activities. He presented a college insignia as the symbol of gratitude to Prof. Thukral and thanked him for taking some time out of his busy schedule.
Prof. Thukral delivered talk on Population Ecology. He started his talk with basic necessities of life like matter, energy and information. He explained the ecological hierarchy followed by main emphasis on Population. Various aspects of Population Growth like Density, Dispersion patterns, Growth rate, Growth curves, Carrying Capacity etc were discussed in elaborate manner. He concluded his talk by giving detailed facts and figures about Indian population, natural resources of Indian sub-continent and some sensitive issues like female foeticide and literacy rates.
Dr. Thukral and Dr. Komal Arora distributed certificates to undergraduate students who have successfully completed DBT Student Research Projects under Star College Scheme of Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
At the end, Dr. Komal Arora thanked Dr. A.K.Thukral, all organizers and students present on this occasion.