PG Department of Computer Science organised Prelim Competition Round of “RoboFiesta 2014” (National Level Championship) in Asociation with Amalthea 2014 (Annual Technical Summit), IIT, Gandhinagar. Principal Dr. B.B. Sharma inaugurated the training cum prelim competition round of RoboFiesta 2014. Prof. Nischay Bahl welcomed the team from TGPL comprising Sh. Jalaj Jindal, Vipul Kumar and Vikrant Kushwaha. 88 students from different Colleges and Schools participated in the event.

Teams from School were competing in Basic Robotics and teams from Colleges were competing in Autonomous Robotics.

In the first session experts from TGPL concentrated on the theoretical and basic concepts of robotics. Then the team imparted training to students on how to make robotic items.


Basic Robotics

Ist Position: MGN Public School, Kapurthala.

IInd position: A.P.J. School, Jalandhar.

Autonomous Robotics:

Ist Position: DAV College, Jalandhar

IInd position: DAV College, Jalandhar

Principal Dr. B.B. Sharma congratulated the department for organizing this event and also congratulated the winners. He also blessed the students for participation in this competition.

Members of department Prof. Nischay Bahl, Lalit Goyal, Nitin Bhatia, Amit Sharma, Kawal Jeet, Rajeev Puri, Pawan Khanna, Navjot Kaur, Amrit Kaur, Archa, Gagandeep, Nancy Verma, Guriqbal Singh, Orvindra Singh, Sanjeev Kumar and other members of department were also present during the event.

