One day seminar on “Nuclear Technology : Dedicated for National Development” was organised by a team of Scientists from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Mumbai, in DAV College, Jalandhar. Dr. Hemant Kumar told about Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha who’s visionary ideas gave birth to Nuclear Programme in India in 1944. Later on Government of India developed BARC institute in Mumbai in 1954. In this seminar Dr. R K Singh, Head, Media Relations and Public Awareness Department, BARC, Mumbai told about the Nuclear plans of India. He also told various technologies developed by BARC which are useful for public society including desalination, preservation of food, seeds and other eatables by radiations. Sh. Rajesh Kumar from Ion Accelerator Division, BARC gave a talk on role of charged particles and other accelerators and research reactors. He also talked about High Power radio frequency, microwave component design and their application in medial field.
Dr. S KSingh, Scientific Officer (G) from Human Resource Development Cell of BARC told about various types of jobs offered in BARC. He explained the details of selection procedure to join as scientists in BARC and Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). According to him post-graduate students of Chemistry, Physics, Zoology and students of computer Engg., electronics, mechanical and Civil can join various division in BARC.
Dr. B B Sharma, Principal, DAV College, Jalandhar showed his concern that student will be benefitted by the impressive talks of Resource Person. Prof. T D Saini thanked all the Resource Person and told about the importance of Nuclear energy which is the need of present time in terms of power generations. Prof. P K Kapoor, Dr. Satish Sharma, Prof. Sharanjit Kaur, Prof. Bhatendu Singla, Dr. Navjeet Sharma, Dr. Rajeev Sharma, Dr. Komal Arora were also present on this occasion.