On the second day of National Seminar organized by Post Graduate Department of Commerce, D.A.V. College, Jalandhar, the various deliberations were given on the various emerging issues in the Corporate Sector like “Role of Key Managing Persons in the New Regime” . C S Rajiv Bajaj discussed about the stringent rules regarding all the officials which made them more accountable for protecting and securing the interest of all financial investors as well as stakeholders.
C S Rajiv Bhambri thrown light on “the Financial Statement and Disclosures” to make the Governance of Corporate Sector more transparent.
C S Anil Aggarwal emphasised on the aspect, “How new Companies Act, 2013 will strengthen Capital Market and Indian Economy in particular.”
The techanical Session was chaired by Dr. Hawaa Singh (Chairman Kurukshetra University) with co-chairman, Dr. Jasmeet Singh Pasricha, Ex-Chairman, Dept. OF Commerce Punjabi University , Patiala and Dr. Tajinder Sharma, Kurukshetra University.
Whole hearted cooperation and presence was given by Prof VK Sareen ,Prof Arun Mehra , Prof Rajiv Sharma Prof Ashok Kapoor,Prof Maneesh arora, Prof Rajiv Puri, Prof Maneesh Khanna, Dr Satish Ahuja, prof Manav Aggarwal, Prof Nidhi, Prof Ram kuma, Prof Amit Jain, DR Sanjeev sharma , Prof Rajwant kaur,Prof Aman Bahri ,Prof Sandeep Marwaha, Prof Vajinder among others.
Principal Dr B B Sharma, Vice Principals Sh Pardeep Kapoor and Sh PK Sharma ,Registerar Sh Ravi Manuja ,PRO Prof Vipin Jhanji were also present.
A panel discussion was held in which CS Rajiv Bajaj, CSDinesh Gupta(Chairman Jalandhar Chapter of ICSI), CS Anil Aggarwal, Dr Hawa Singh (Chairman, Kurukshetra University), DR Pasricha(Ex Chairman ,commerce deptt,Punjabi University, Patiala),Prof Vijay Gupta(Ex Chairman, Jalandhar chapter of ICSI),,Dr Ashish Arora(GNDUniversity College,Jalandhar) participated.
At Last Prof Vijay Gupta(Ex Chairman, Jalandhar chapter of ICSI) presented the vote of thanks.